» Scripture Of The Week
Proverbs 22:10

In order to get peace and bring divine order to your dwelling place or within the territory in which ...
Monday, April 22, 2024  read more »

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   Scripture Of The Week

Isaiah 55:11
We Serve An Absolute God:

What do you think about situation covid crises?

Welp, you can distinguish what is of God and what is not. Meaning, what God sends versus what is driven by the enemy.

We know this through The Word of God.

As I look at the Children of Israel coming out of bondage, it was clearly The Lord our God who sent plagues to Egypt.

Notice, every Egyptian got hit with that plague at once. There was no person to person contact. They didn/`/t have to spread it through touch nor cough.

You see, our God is Absolute. Everything HE speaks is accomplished. #NotVoid

It/`/s only in the world where men, influenced by powers of darkness, can/`/t even come up with a solution to destroy mankind. Though men form weapons. They can/`/t accomplish what they try to carry out.

So me must look too The Complete God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and walk in faith. Not by the storm. Folks, walk through every storm by faith!

You may be in a proven season, however, covid is not your portion. You are yet alive and covered by The Blood of Jesus Christ. #Celebrate

What are your thoughts on the covid crises?

#BeBeyondBlessed #BeBlessed #Covid #Faith #Ministry #FearNot #Covid19


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